Herbal Radio Podcast | Mountain Rose Herbs

Wholistic Health, with Yuma 'Docta Yew' Bellomee | Tea Talks with Jiling

Written by Herbal Radio Podcast | Feb 7, 2025 1:00:00 PM

This week on Tea Talks with Jiling, we are joined by Yuma 'Docta Yew' Bellomee. Docta Yew is a Certified Holistic Health Consultant, herbalist, educator, and musical artist, who has been featured in numerous radio programs, natural hair, health & beauty expos, magazine articles, and community and school programs as a speaker and workshop facilitator on wholistic wellness & herbal medicine. He is also the founder of Yew-360 Wholistic Health & Wellness, LLC, and a member of the African Wholistic Health Association (AWHA), and the Collective Health Initiative (CHI) in Washington DC.

Listen in as Docta Yew and Jiling discuss urban plant walks, common “weedy” medicinal plants around Washington DC, three seeds that Docta Yew holds dear, and lifestyle strategies to support spring health.

🌿 Visit Yuma 'Docta Yew' Bellomee at

🪷 Jiling Lin is a Licensed Acupuncturist (L.Ac) and herbalist in Ventura, CA. A clinician and teacher, Jiling is also a passionate traveler, artist, and adventurer.

Visit Jiling at JilingLin.com — and get her free Nourishing Life (養生) template and Five Phases (五行) outline.

Visit Jiling at JilingLin.com and join her newsletter for seasonal beauty.