Herbal Radio Podcast | Mountain Rose Herbs

Botany Everyday, with Marc Williams | Tea Talks with Jiling

Written by Elise | Mar 3, 2023 6:21:45 PM

Ethnobiologist Marc Williams has taught hundreds of classes to thousands of people about the interface between plants, humans, and other life forms. His training includes a B.A. in Environmental Studies/Sustainable Agriculture from Warren Wilson College with a minor in Business and a M.A. in Appalachian Studies/Sustainable Development from Appalachian State University with a minor in Planning/Geography. He has over 20 years of experience working at restaurants and farms while traveling through over 30 countries in Central/North/South America, Europe and all 50 states in the USA. Visit Marc Williams at BotanyEveryday.com, PlantsAndHealers.org, and UnitedPlantSavers.org

Marc and Jiling discuss one of Marc’s previous keynote conference topics, “Weaving and Mending: Herbalism from the past, in the present, for the future.” Learn about empowerment through weeds, heart-songs, ancestral honoring practices, global healing traditions, and more. 

Jiling Lin is a Licensed Acupuncturist (L.Ac) and herbalist in Ventura, CA. Visit Jiling at JilingLin.com, Instagram @LinJiling, and Facebook @JilingLAc. Get her free Nourishing Life (養生) template, Five Elements (五行) outline, or sign up for her newsletter here


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