Learn how to make a delicious and healthful apple cider reduction syrup using hawthorn and bilberry with jim mcdonald! This episode is the audio recording from a video jim filmed with us earlier this year. Listen in as jim gives us step-by-step instructions on how to make this wellness-supporting herbal treat as well as how to use it and tips for storage.
Watch jim making bilberry & hawthorn berry syrup on our YouTube channel.
Reference jim’s recipe on our blog.
In 1994, jim mcdonald's life changed when he drank tea from a wild plant he harvested from the land he lived upon. Since those first sips of strange tea, his life in the woods and meadows of southeast michigan has been centered on the plants & ecosystems of that land, and how he might share their virtues to restore wellness with those around him. jim's approach to herbcraft is deeply rooted in the land he lives upon, and blends traditional european folk influences with 19th century eclectic and physiomedical vitalism, which he conveys with story, experience, humour, common sense and lore to students, clients, random passersby and readers of his websites www.herbcraft.org & herbcraft.podia.com. He's taught classes throughout north america and is currently (still) alternately writing “Foundational Herbcraft” and the “A Great Lakes Herbal”, in addition to articles for journals and other publications. jimis a community herbalist, a manic wildcrafter and medicine maker, and has been an ardent student of the most learned teachers of herbcraft… the plants themselves.
Learn more about jim and his educational opportunities by clicking here.
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Mountain Rose Herbs